After a lot of prayer and discussion, we have decided that we're not going to continue to pursue moving to NYC. Many different things have happened over the past few months that are leading us to be connected in Detroit. We just found out Friday that our application has officially been accepted by China, and we'll be traveling to China to bring our son home at the beginning of March (as long as we get travel approval before they close for Chinese New Year in 2 weeks). The impact of that alone to our family is going to be significant. We're feeling like we need to settle things down and give the kids (and us) some stability for a while - something we haven't had for quite some time now. This, along with some of the people that have come into our lives recently, and the peace we have with this decision are leading us to believe this is the right thing for us to do.
We are going to stay living with my in-laws until they return from Florida at the beginning of April which should co-incide with when we return from China.
It has truly been a pleasure and an honor being a part of Communitas and to be part of the incredible things that God is doing. There is no doubt that we had to be a part of Communitas, even if we never made it to NYC. My mantra over the past few months has been, "it's all about the process and not the end destination". We couldn't continue to live our old lives anymore and Communitas was a huge catalyst that sped the transformation in our lives.
Now we look forward to our next great adventure!
:.( Sad face with a teardrop
you guys suck. Just kidding, what I really mean is sad face with a teardrop (like kushmonkey).
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