Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Last Sunday, Kensington wrapped up their 'Magnet' series with a sermon on Honesty. Click on Honesty, to be taken to their site to view it for yourself.

Saturday night prior, we had stayed up past midnight. I was tired and knew I would be even more tired if I woke up at 6:30 am to go to church. I haven't felt like getting up for service on Sundays in quite a few months. I've done it though because the girls have small groups which I think are important for them. When I went to bed, I turned my alarm off. I said, "Lord, if you want me to go to service in the morning, then you wake me up." Off to dreamland I went.

I awoke at 6:30 am. Wide Awake. So off to service we went. It was a good service. I got something out of it. I know, I shouldn't be a consumer of church. Normally I'm not. But I do like to learn something new when I sit there for about an hour. I don't think I learned anything new, but some old things were re-enforced and brought back to the fore front of my mind.

After service, we drove over to my parents house so Pete and my Dad could put new brake pads on my car (which is actually my father in law's car - whose been very generous by allowing me to borrow it until we move). It turned out to need not only new pads, but also new routers and new wheel bearings. $155 later and the job was done. Cheaper than a car payment.

Back up a minute though. On the way to my parents house, we stopped to get my Mom a coffee at Tim Horton's. She is ADDICTED to them! So we order one large coffee with cream. I know it should be $1.55. I have gift card to pay for part of it. I'm not sure what the balance is but I know it's not enough to pay for it. The lady hands us the coffee and Pete starts to pull off. I tell him to stop because we owe them some change. We look at the receipt and tell her we owe her some change. She says "No you don't. The register didn't tell me you did." We show her our receipt that says we do. She says "You are just about the most honest people I have ever met." Well, it was just change. But we knew we owed it and if she did that a few times a day, her register would be short. Besides that, the girls were all ears in the backseat listening to our conversation. K#1 listens to EVERY word I say to anyone BUT her, especially when it comes to money. I hope it was a lesson learned for them.

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